Tag: kate spilsbury

Episode Fifty Four – Kate Spilsbury, Mere Benefits

How well are you insured?

How afraid are you to find out or ask any questions about it?

My next guest is quite familiar with the fears people have about discussing insurance and how little they understand about the coverage they do and don’t have. Kate Spilsbury has built a career, and now a business by making the often complicated stuff, “simple” and stress free.

Kate is the founder of Mere Benefits, an insurance brokerage simplifying the process of providing businesses with employee benefits. They specialize in designing benefits for the small-group entrepreneurs who spend their days building their business and running a team.

Kate is also a networking master and has built a schedule of free education sessions to teach people about the insurance landscape and make it extremely easy for them to understand what are the best Medicare and other individual/group health insurance options.

To learn more, click https://www.merebenefits.com