Tag: Diane Faulkner

Episode Sixty Five – Diane Faulkner, Full Circle Press

Content marketing is an extremely important part of a company’s marketing mix.  It can also be a challenge to those that do not have the skilled writers they need to create effective copy, articles, e-books and white pages to get  your message across.  And thats why copywriters were created.

Our guest for this episode is Diane Faulker, a talented writer who has built a business around her writing abilities.  She has worked with companies large and small helping them share their voice and using content as a means of marketing their story.

She shares with us her journey as a business owner and how she began to generate business in her early days and how she continues to generate business to the point of her need to recently open an agency.  The demand for good copywriting is high and Diane is here to provide the content companies need around the country.

To learn more about Diane, please click  https://fullcirclepress.net/.

As always, this podcast is brought to you by Profit Master Business Solutions, implementing measured marketing for small businesses while calming the chaos and creating the confidence and competence to exceed expectations.

Click www.profitmasterbusinesssolutions.com.