Throughout life, it is extremely important to continue to learn. Education is at the heart of all aspects of life and business and making sure you are learning at your highest capacity and what you are learning is providing you with the strongest classroom experience can bring you growth and incredible value.
Our guest for this latest episode of Small Business Marketing – Then & Now, is Dr. Mateen Diop of My All Things Educational, LLC. Mateen helps schools and school districts implement a school leadership development model that engages school principals in a continuous and sustained reflective self-inquiry process designed to develop leadership capacity. This, in turn, provides stronger guidance to teachers who then provide stronger skills and teaching experiences in the classroom.
He shares his journey from the classroom and principal’s office to his current role and how he has marketed himself and his business along this journey.
To learn more about his services, click
As always, this podcast is brought to you by Profit Master Business Solutions, implementing measured marketing for small businesses while calming the chaos and creating the confidence and competence to exceed expectations.