Tag: anxiety

Episode Ninety Three – Jackie Potter, J Potter Health

Your mental health is incredibly important but often ignored by you and the ones who care about you.

Perhaps many of you can relate.  And the challenges that you may be experiencing is very familiar to our latest guest, Jackie Potter of JPotter Health. She is a wellness certified and healer certified life coach who specializes in stress, anxiety, and panic.

Using her story, her research, and her wellness education, she helps others navigate and find ease from their anxiety with compassion and empathy. developing comprehensive programs to provide personal assistance to those challenged with stress and anxiety. She shares her journey as a business owner prospecting for clients and making the connections necessary to see her business grow and flourish.

To learn more, please click https://www.jpotterhealth.com/.

As always, this podcast is brought to you by Profit Master Business Solutions, implementing measured marketing for small businesses while calming the chaos and creating the confidence and competence to exceed expectations.
Click www.profitmasterbusinesssolutions.com.