Episode Sixty Four – Brandon Gano, Twisted Ink

Our latest episode of Small Business Marketing – Then & Now, features Brandon Gano of Twisted Ink, a successful young entrepreneur with an exceptional vision for the future.


Brandon is the owner of a promotional products company that has made a strong local impact during the short time they have been in business.  Brandon tells the story of how and why he launched his business, how he worked with his local community to help other business owners stay in business during the Covid period and how he is looking forward by launching a franchise opportunity for entrepreneurs around the country.


To learn more about Brandon and Twisted Ink, please click ·       https://twistedink.com/.


As always, this podcast is brought to you by Profit Master Business Solutions, implementing measured marketing for small businesses while calming the chaos and creating the confidence and competence to exceed expectations.


Click www.profitmasterbusinesssolutions.com.
